MOTOTRBO Next Generation ‘E’ Series

Motorola have launched their Next Generation MOTOTRBO ‘E’ Series range. The following products have been refreshed:The DP2000 Series; DP2400, DP2600. The DP3441. The DP4000 Series; DP4400, DP4401, DP4600, DP4601, DP4800, DP4801. The DM4000 Series; DM4000, DM4401, DM4600, DM4601. The SL4000 Series; SL4000, SL4010.
The newer versions of these products keep same product numbers but with the addition of an ‘e‘ at the end of each model number. This means the new products will be listed as follows:
The DP2000e Series: DP2400e, DP2600e
The DP3441e
The DP4000e Series: DP4400e, DP4401e, DP4600e, DP4601e, DP4800e, DP4801e
The DM4000e Series: DM4000e, DM4401e, DM4600e, DM4601e
The SL4000e Series: SL4000e, SL4010e
New Features Include:
Integrated Indoor Location Tracking Solution Capabilities – optional chargeable extra with licence key using integrated 4.0 Bluetooth. All models with a ‘1’ and the SL4000e series. A new application will support.
Integrated Accelerometers – optional chargeable extra of man down capabilities with licence key for DP4401e/4601e/4801e/3441e, SL4000e/4010e.
Improved GPS Positioning – using GNSS in DM4401e/4601e, DP4401e/4601e/4801e/3441e.
Wi-Fi Radio Update – in all new products apart from DP2000e series, a licence must be purchased to activate capability. Enhances future capabilities and application connectivity. With new Radio Management firmware remote software updates can be conducted meaning a central update location can be achieved.
Increased Memory – storage capacity has been doubled.
Up to 8% Longer Talk Range – DP2000e, DP4000e and DP3441e.
Up to 16% Coverage Increase – DP2000e, DP4000e and DP3441e.
SL4000e Series – Higher power mode at 3 watts, gains further reach and efficiency.
Extended Battery Life – new low voltage battery technology offers the DP4000e/DP2000e Series up to 27 hours battery life.
Increased Battery Portfolio – including an IMPRES battery for the DP3441e.
New Vibrate Alert – DP2000e and DP4000e Series using special battery and belt clip.
IP Rating Improvement – in DP2000e (IP55-IP67), DP4000e (IP57-IP68) and DP3441e (IP67-IP68) Series.
Improved Hazloc Portfolio – New DP2000e Hazloc radios and improved certification on the DP4000e Series.