Body Temperature Scanners for Digital Barriers Fever Scanner
Fever Scanning
We know that aside from isolation, the best way to prevent the spread of Coronavirus is to detect the virus as early as possible. We also know that it isn’t always possible or efficient for an organisation to use manual thermometers to check the temperature of every employee or customer who enters their premises.
Digital Barriers has developed a Remote Fever Scanning Solution to help safeguard frontline workers against infection, and OS Comms are official suppliers. It can provide temperature information in real time, instantly identifying persons with raised temperatures and alerting staff to take the relevant action, potentially preventing the spread of the virus to potentially thousands of other key workers and members of the public.
Risk Reduction for Employees
The solution consists of dual thermal and HD camera together with government-grade EdgeVis remote monitoring platform. This enables temperature scanning to be carried out without the need for close human contact, thus reducing risk.
Intelligent Temperature Screening
Temperature detection and profiling systems have emerged as an important tool in uncovering elevated body temperature, a key indicator of the presence of fever, thereby potentially exposing an underlying health condition.
Rapid Detection
The thermal camera screening can provide hospitals, primary care clinics, and commercial buildings with a highly effective means of detecting individuals during outbreaks, critical for early identification and the prevention of further transmission.
Thermal Camera Analysis
EdgeVis Live Fever Screen ensures real-time stand-off temperature detection and profiling, even in locations with poor bandwidth and network connectivity.
The thermal camera analyses body temperature, a key indicator of the presence of a fever and sounds an alarm when a specific temperature threshold is exceeded.
The solution is highly effective in quickly and simply identifying staff and customers who show signs of an infection. This remote solution can be deployed standalone or as part of a network, linked to a central location.
Facial Recognition
N.B. Facial recognition is an optional add-on to EdgeVis Live Fever Screen.